Friday, February 27, 2009

Work Work Work

Here is a picture of me and some of my toddlers in our sunday school class. Will doesn't look really happy....
Work has been extremely busy (which is a good thing...) but makes for long days. Lots of daily meetings mean extra time spent at work to get all my other work done.

I usually work extra during the week so I won't have to come in on the weekends.
I moved up to the toddler class this year due to the number of babies that were moving up from the baby room. I am thinking about continuing through the next year as well. There won't be as many to teach but perhaps more toddlers will come.
I start a new box of circulum this week. I really like the "hands on Bible" lessons for the toddlers. They hear the same story for 4 weeks as their attention span is rather short. We ususally do a craft of some kind each week that goes with the lesson.
Have a great week.

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