Sunday, May 31, 2009


A friend that had moved away from here a few years back came to town yesterday to visit and we met her and her family (her husband, 13 yr old daughter and 10 month old son) for lunch. It was nice to visit.

I am writing this @ 3:30 am on Sunday. I went to bed rather early and there is always a chance of getting up in the middle of the night when I do that.

I had my EMG's on Friday and actually went back in to work afterwards and worked the rest of the day. By the time 4:30 came around, both arms were quite sore. The tests were not as painful as I remember, but they did hurt. I have a couple bruises where the small needle that was actually a microphone was poked all over my fingers, wrist and arm. The EMG tech (I will call him that because I don't know what he is called) shocked various parts of my fingers/arms in both arms then he got out the needle part.

I go back to the dr to get the results June 12. Not sure what he will say. I don't think there is an issue with the right arm (I had both carpel tunnel and ulnar release on that one). If they don't find an issue with the left one (I had carpel tunnel release only), I hope they do more tests to find out what is up.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Tomorrow is the day I get EMG's done on each arm. That will hurt!!!!! I am planning on taking the rest of the day off due to expected pain....

Apparently carpel tunnel issues run in my family. Two of my cousins (who are sisters) had carpel tunnel release surgeries including one that had elbow release as well. I had my surgeries about 2 years ago. Right hand was carpel tunnel and Ulnar nerve release and the left hand had a carpel tunnel release.

More news about that later...If I can type.

As I sit here typing, I am smelling something good coming from my oven. I am making magic bars for work tomorrow. I like to bring goodies at times for folks to munch on--usually on Friday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I knew my cousin and family were having to relocate due to the Army, but didn't know they would move to Germany. That seems to be a world away from the USA.

Today didn't go any differently than yesterday, just as busy and different issues to handle.

Friday I have an EMG on both arms to see why my left arm (elbow area) is having pain. I will be in pain due to the tests so I told my manager at work that I may not return that day. I think it is the ulnar nerve acting up. I didn't have surgery for my ulnar 2 years ago when I did the carpel tunnel surgery on both hands. I guess it wasn't needed 2 years ago. I will find out what the EMG's results are on June 12th.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Changes to my day

Today at work one of my projects was changed twice (in a matter of 30 minutes) after design was completed. That poses a problem because of the paper work involved with changing the design as well as rescheduling meetings so we can make the needed corrections. We will make the adjustments but the timeline for this project has been disprupted.

For 2 hours the entire building's computer networks failed. No computers to help customers with, no emails to open and read or respond to, no central document location to retrieve items for meetings, etc. So instead we all visited with other co workers while the issue was resolved. I did not hear what the issue was. We will probably find out tomorrow.

Hoping to have a relaxing evening....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lights out

Due to a thunderstorm this evening, the electricity in my neighborhood was out for about 30 minutes. I was watching TV at the time. I quickly lit some jar candles so I could see to get around. It was still light outside.

We are so dependent on electricity for everything and take it for granted that the lights will come on when the switch is turned on. I am not sure I could have handled living in the times where there was no lights, TV, laptops, etc.

Grateful for modern conveniences!!!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

I haven't had the time or extra energy to write on my blog for awhile. Work is so busy, when I get home I don't want to look at a PC.

School is out tomorrow and I know that makes all the kids really happy. I don't have any kids, but I babysit many children in my church nursery or even sometimes at their homes. I keep pretty busy between work and church. I usually get to visit with my church friends at Wednesday night suppers, but during the summer these are cancelled. I will miss seeing them. Children's choir has replaced Awana for the kid's program this summer. We will be watching a few 3 year olds in the nursery. I have asked the children's minister to see if we could get them in a program of some kind during the summer so they don't have to be in the "baby nursery".

I will try to be better on writing on this page. I spent about 1.5 hours tonight selecting a blog template from the many free ones offered by, but apparently the security on my PC is high enough that I cannot download any of them. I do like to change my page once in a while.

Good Night,