Thursday, May 21, 2009

I haven't had the time or extra energy to write on my blog for awhile. Work is so busy, when I get home I don't want to look at a PC.

School is out tomorrow and I know that makes all the kids really happy. I don't have any kids, but I babysit many children in my church nursery or even sometimes at their homes. I keep pretty busy between work and church. I usually get to visit with my church friends at Wednesday night suppers, but during the summer these are cancelled. I will miss seeing them. Children's choir has replaced Awana for the kid's program this summer. We will be watching a few 3 year olds in the nursery. I have asked the children's minister to see if we could get them in a program of some kind during the summer so they don't have to be in the "baby nursery".

I will try to be better on writing on this page. I spent about 1.5 hours tonight selecting a blog template from the many free ones offered by, but apparently the security on my PC is high enough that I cannot download any of them. I do like to change my page once in a while.

Good Night,

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