Thursday, August 21, 2008

Re-thinking 4 day work week

Apparently there is more to the proposed 4 day work week schedule than I had originally thought. Information regarding the work schedule arrived via email.

An hour for lunch will be a requirement (I know lots of folks that will not like that). A signed form is required stating that if your job performance goes down, you have to return to the regular 8 hrs a day schedule within 2 weeks. Because of the required hour for lunch, there is not going to be any time in which to make up time during the week unless you stay even later. For holidays, we still only get 8 hrs, not 10. So to make up those 2 hours, you would have to take vacation time, work even longer during the day, or come in on your day off to make them up. I would have to come in even earlier on Wednesdays because I don't want to miss out on Wednesday Church activities.

So it looks like I will probably say no to the 4 day work week. My current hours seem ok to me.

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