Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry after Christmas
Monday, October 27, 2008
Advance Voting
There was a camera man from Channel 10 news there trying rather unsuccessfully to get anyone on camera. The girl next to me was addressing some cards while she waited and he thought that would be a great thing to put on the news. She did not agree.
I really wish they could have had a way of assisting those elderly people in line. They were having to follow in line just like everyone else. One man fainted, not sure how old he was, but by the time I got to that same point in the never-ending line, I felt like I could have done the same thing. I didn't eat much before I went, so I made a beeline to lunch as soon as I finished.
God has control of our leaders, I pray that the right person would be elected. Amen
Monday, October 13, 2008
Gaither Concert
Mark Lowry surprised us all by appearing on stage about 2 hours into the program.
My favorite song was at the end when they sang "Because He Lives". I also enjoyed Mark's song about going home.
I messed up Holly's picture of her and Mark (sorry, but there were SOOOO many flashes to keep track of...) but she did get to snap a picture of him right before he ran back to the stage.
The concert was meant to be a "memorial" to Jake Hess. For the past 10 or so years of his life he lived here. He passed away a few years ago and the funeral was at my church. I was unable to attend the funeral but heard it was a musical tribute. The volunteers that were helping in the infant nursery this past Sunday were relatives of Jake Hess. Jake's grandaughter Emily and her husband were there with their 5 month old son. They have 2 older boys and they were helping with the infants this time. Emily talked about touring with her papa Jake while she was in high school. Bill Gaither had the Hess family on stage with them during the last hour of the program. Jake's 2 sons and 11 year old grandson (Jake the 3rd) can sing very well, too.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rain Rain
I have had a horrible time locating a honest roofer to work on my other house, I am not sure there is one in my town. Wish my cousin was nearby...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Great Auntie Karen
Monday, September 8, 2008
Full day of babysitting at church
No one got hurt and our little ones played very well together throughout the rest of the day. I was very thankful for that.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Fire Truck goes to Church
Approx. 10 minutes before the 11 am church service, the fire alarm went off. Well there was one other adult in my class with me and 9 little ones at the time. I am not sure how, but all of a sudden there were people coming to assist with getting the little ones out of the building. There was no way toddlers could walk behind someone leading them on a regular day, let alone a time when a very loud alarm is blaring. Some of them didn't have shoes, some were screaming and the other ones were wide eyed and scared.
All we could think about was getting them out of the building. We all gathered outside next to the playground with all the other kids (up to 3 yrs old) and I made a comment "well, at least it is not raining", just then, it started pouring rain (it really did!), it was amazing. Everyone grabbed the kids again and ran to the choir suite that is in the main church building with the sanctuary. No one in the sanctuary knew anything about the fire alarm. The building really could have been on fire and no one in the church service would know a thing.
It ended up being a false alarm, one of the teens "leaned up against the alarm" and it started. Of course we had to wait for the fire truck to come and reset the alarm--still blaring loudly. The kids did get to see the fire truck, that was fun I guess. By the time we got back in the building again, there were other kids arriving. It was so chaotic that I ended up staying in my classroom for the 2nd service--there were now 11 toddlers in my class. The volunteers in the first service stayed on thru the 2nd service in the infant room, so they were covered.
The fire station is very close to us, about a minute away. They have been at our church 2 times in the past months. They are probably going to get tired of false alarms. The last time about a month or so ago one of the younger kids pulled the alarm, that time it was on a Wednesday night.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Re-thinking 4 day work week
An hour for lunch will be a requirement (I know lots of folks that will not like that). A signed form is required stating that if your job performance goes down, you have to return to the regular 8 hrs a day schedule within 2 weeks. Because of the required hour for lunch, there is not going to be any time in which to make up time during the week unless you stay even later. For holidays, we still only get 8 hrs, not 10. So to make up those 2 hours, you would have to take vacation time, work even longer during the day, or come in on your day off to make them up. I would have to come in even earlier on Wednesdays because I don't want to miss out on Wednesday Church activities.
So it looks like I will probably say no to the 4 day work week. My current hours seem ok to me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
After my appt with the dentist, I went to eat with some friends to Buffalo Wild Wings. On Tuesdays they have 40 cent wings. I haven't been there in months. It is very loud and not a place to have any kind of conversation. About 20 different TVs are playing and most of them are tuned to different channels.
Report on my boss: Monday they did surgery on his brain tumor in Tampa Florida. The tumor was cancer, but they were able to remove it all. He will come home in a few days and begin cancer treatments. The surgery went very well. Thank you for your prayers and concerns.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Typical Monday
There are so many things I need to research and learn at work about work. My manager wants us to be "BA certified" and although I very much appreciate the opportunity to do that, my work load does not allow much time for this learning. I have never been a good student, but will try to learn more. This will come in handy should we want to leave the company and go to another company.
My toddler class went well this week, there was 10 of them for the early service. That made for an overflowing room. They don't really know how to listen, so we did a craft and had a very short lesson. (Thankfully they didn't eat the cotton balls, but several of them did eat the crayons....). There were 13 toddlers for the 2nd service. I was in the baby room for the 2nd hour and there were 7 of them. Needless to say, all of the workers/parents helping were all wiped out at the end of church.
Have a great week.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Boss's Wedding
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Birthday Wishes
Today was another extremely busy day. It zoomed by again and I ended up having to stay an extra 30 minutes to provide a project status report to my supervisor.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
dad in SC
Friday, August 1, 2008
Week's End
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday Night
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Disney Cruise Ship Wonder
Monday, July 28, 2008
4 day work week?
There are 5 of us in my team: 2 of my group are off Mondays, 2 are off on Fridays and another one is off on Wednesdays. That should allow coverage for all days. I have always preferred to have Mondays off. Mondays are very crazy at work, so I may live to regret it, but oh well.
I usually have at least one more hour of work I could do before I leave anyway, so staying later would not be too bad. I do overtime now because of my workload. I know I will get "munchy" with the 10 hour day schedule because I am used to eating around 5'ish.
I actually cooked lasagne using cheese ravioli tonight. It is getting late, I am going to eat supper now.
My last Sunday with the Nursery kids
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sad news about My Uncle Del
I called my cousins Patti (from Alexandria, VA) and Ken (Oregon City, OR) tonight for a bit. They were understandably upset. I called to let my dad (currently visiting Geri's family in OR) and brother (Chesapeake, VA) know. Nancy, my uncle's oldest daughter is on her way to Hawaii from Portland, OR to be with her mother. Their youngest, James (I have always called him Jamey...I guess because he is 10 years younger than me) lives in Oregon, too.
Please continue to pray for my Auntie Mollie and my cousins. At this time there are no funeral arrangements.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today at work our associate director pulled the entire team together for a meeting. He first made sure that we were all there and then announced that he had Stage 3b lung cancer. Of course we were all shocked. On August 9th, he will be 43. He has not smoked yet he got cancer. Apparently there is Cancer in his family. He noticed that while in England earlier this year that he got sick and just couldn't get better. They did not catch it early enough. He is unoperable. I looked up his stage of cancer on Web, this is what it says for stage IIIB...
- Lung Cancer Stage III: Stage IIIA may be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Stage IIIB usually is treated with chemotherapy only or chemotherapy and radiation.
Wow, first my Uncle Del has end stage prostate/bone cancer, Al and Amy both have cancer and now Damon.
God has a reason for everything. My boss has been away from God for awhile and perhaps this will lead him back. We are not promised a tomorrow, we must be ready to go...
(Proverbs 16:9)
(Proverbs 19:21)
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
(Matthew 6:34)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Callaway Gardens
Monday, July 21, 2008
Moody Church and BBN
Last night I spent some time on the internet locating one of my favorite preacher's website. Please click on the "Moody Church" link to the right so you can view the site. I have also included the BBN website in my listing of links, too.
I am unable to use Windows media to listen to the sites, but Adobe Flash works for my PC.
I am enjoying my day off, will report on it perhaps another time.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Couple of days off work
Because we had a few babies in the nursery today I was able to go to the early service at church. I rarely get to go and I do enjoy it when I can get away and join in. The pastor spoke about looking to God for help then respond. Last week's IndyMack Bank downfall was an eye opener about our economy. He reminded us that God has his hand in all we do including our present economy.
A coworker left this morning from the Atlanta airport bound for Orlando, FL. She and some friends are going on the Disney "land and sea". They will spend 4 days at Disney World and then spend 3 days on the Disney Wonder cruise ship. I KNOW they will have lots of fun. I expect lots of pictures and stories from their adventure.
I really enjoyed my cruise I went on last year to Mexico. I will cruise again one day...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I am a blogger once again
I am somewhat excited/nervous about teaching the toddler sunday school class during the first service at church in August. It will be neat to move up with the class. I had most of the same kids in the infant nursery from the time they were very tiny.
I do need to find someone to replace me in the infant class during that same time every other week. Miss Ellen has offered to work for me every other Sunday.
My days are flying away at work. We are so busy we don't know where to start!!!
An update on my Uncle Del in Hawaii. Hospice has been called in to assist at their home. Please pray with me for my Uncle.